A’u Tala | Pasifika Arts Exhibition
A celebration of local established and emerging Pasifika artists at Square Edge for the month of July.
Ruhanui | Java Bentley, Brook Konia, Ripeka Paapu and Te Haana Paewai
The pre-dawn rising of stars signal and name the moon cycles or months of the Māori lunar year. With the shortfall of eleven days every year between the lunar and solar calendars, a thirteenth month is included every third lunar year.
Ngā Kākahu ō Te Kaikaranga | Erana Kaa
By Indigenising apparel construction, I am elevating Māori visual language beyond patterning surfaces, colonial aesthetics, and ceremonial attire.
RA | Regional Arts
Join us to celebrate community arts in Manawatū and our wider region this June at Square Edge!
Landscapes Of The Mind | MS Art Group
The MS Art Group are artists with multiple sclerosis who share a passion for creating art and live with the challenges of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Postpartum Paintings | Rose Bourke
Rose Bourke is an artist based in Papaioea currently working across painting, drawing, and ceramic mediums. Her works engage with the everyday, responding to its rhythms and rituals. Following the birth of her daughter, the studio has offered a sanctuary in which to reflect on the intimacy, isolation, and identity theft that accompanies new motherhood.
Thoughts & Feelings at 2am | Jodi Walker
Thoughts & Feelings @ 2 am 30 September is an autobiographical textural diary that focuses on life in my early 20s and the many challenges and uncertainties I have had to overcome to stand where I am today.
Duality | NAMU Jade Ackerman & Sue Pegrume
A joint exhibition by mother and son duo, Sue Pegrume and NAMU Jade Ackerman.
Alchemy Collective
Alchemy Collective is a group of artists who formed after participating in the Artist’s Mentoring scheme at Square Edge in 2021. They consist of: Adam Dodd, Paul Harvey, Mayette Maling-Cope and Maggie Duff. Together they are Alchemy Collective, and they are delighted to present a group show of their recent works at Square Edge.
Flowers | Julia Tanner
Julia is an emerging local artist, from Palmerston North. She was inspired by the Van Gogh Alive exhibition and by Mondrian’s flower paintings. She started painting flowers, including natives such as protea. Following Van Gogh, the paint has been applied extremely thickly and in predominantly unblended brushstrokes.
Click : : Rand | an indeterminate sound installation
Paul Dunham is a sound artist based at Himatangi Beach. His recent work has seen a focus of the relationship between past and contemporary media and connecting their socio-cultural and technical conditions of existence. As media archaeology these relationships are represented and expressed through sound as recorded works, installations, or performances.
Online Fundraising Exhibition to get Hayden to the World Games 2023
Hayden Williams is fundraising to get to the 2023 World Games for basket ball this June. View his online exhibition, and help him raise funds!