Are you an emerging or established artist, group or collective with a strong practice and some great ideas for an exhibition? Square Edge are keen to support a wide range of artists and ensure our visitors have opportunities to see some interesting and varied work.

We would love to hear from artists working in diverse media and kaupapa including:
– Cultural Arts
– Street Art
– Social Justice
– Sculpture
– Glass
– Installation
– Textiles
– Raranga and Whakairo
– Digital Art or Film
– Painting, print and drawing
– Any other media areas

A strong application will include high quality images, a clear idea, direction or kaupapa – the more you tell us the better!

Applications are open until November 30th.

Please email your proposal as a PDF to reception@ca.org.nz 

Please include in your proposal:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website or a link to your social media
  • Your kaupapa / idea for your exhibition
  • Preferred exhibition dates
  • Preferred gallery space: Main Gallery, Entrance Gallery or Sculpture Display Cabinets
  • 3 – 5 high quality photos supporting your proposal

How do I submit my proposal?

Please email a PDF of your completed proposal to reception@ca.org.nz

When will I hear about my proposal?

Scheduling decisions are made in December and contracts then need to be prepared for each exhibiting artist. This takes a week or two.

ALL applicants are notified of the outcome of their proposal. If you do not hear from us by the end of the year you applied in please email reception@ca.org.nz

How many works will I need for my allocated gallery space?

Wall sizes are shown on our gallery map. Our walls are over 5 metres high – this is worth considering when planning works.

All other requirements regarding how you present your work to us for installation can be viewed here 

Can I change the wall colour?

Generally this is not possible. Our turnaround between exhibitions mean that we don’t have long to tidy up our walls between each exhibition, so painting a whole new colour (on really big walls) is not practical.

We are happy to talk about changing the wall colour in the Pop Up Gallery – if you give us plenty of notice.

What costs are involved and what do they cover?

Square Edge work really hard to support all artists wishing to exhibit. This includes supporting artists to apply to our local Creative Communities Scheme for funding from PNCC.

We are very mindful that finance can be a real barrier to community participation – so supporting funding applications is an important part of our mahi.

 Our Gallery costs range between from $200 to $600 (February 2024)

The fee artists pay contributes towards but does not cover:

•          Staff time to liaise with artists, provide funding and other support, ongoing promotion, marketing and administration, support for opening events

•          the additional support of contracted gallery technicians

•          assisting with bringing in works and curation of exhibitions with artists

•          vinyl wall stickers for exhibition signage, individual work titles, and statement

•          installation (2-3 people for anywhere between 6 – 12 hours, depending on the type of work)

•          use of the workshop space, kitchen, glasses, platters, tables, chairs, speaker and microphone for opening events

•          cleaning of the spaces before and after events

•          deinstallation and packaging if required for transport (2-4 hours)

•          Patching and painting walls (3-8 hours depending on type of installation)

I need help with funding – where do I go?

There are lots of avenues for funding but the most accessible local funding source is the Palmerston North Creative Communities Scheme https://www.pncc.govt.nz/Community/Community-funding/Creative-Communities-Scheme

The Earle Creativity and Development Trust also allocate arts funding every second year for visual arts projects https://www.earletrust.org.nz/visual-arts

Creative New Zealand offer arts grants for larger projects https://creativenz.govt.nz/Funds-and-opportunities/Find-opportunities/Arts-Grants

The Square Edge team are happy to support you to apply for funding.