Wouna Le Roux
28th august - 30th september 2024
Wouna le Roux is a Master of Design student at UCOL-Te Pūkenga Whanganui. The theme of her research is liminality – the in-between or middle phase of rites of passage. This phase is also known as the transformational stage of a rite, and is marked by confusion, ambiguity, and uncertainty. Liminality is a linear process, irreversible. Something must die (symbolically) to be reborn.
Textiles, specifically second-hand or discarded clothes and found fabrics, are the media Wouna predominantly works with. By reusing and reworking the textiles into artworks, these items no longer possess their previous character; they undergo a transformation to be ‘reborn’ and get a new lease of life.
Originally from South Africa, Wouna has made New Zealand her home since 2010. With a background in Fine Art, Classical Music, Philosophy, and a PhD in Afrikaans literature, her passion for creative expression has been a constant throughout her life.