Mike Delany | Manawatū Sunsets

Mike Delany | Manawatū Sunsets

Mike Delany 29th January- 24th february Main gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE I am an impressionist painter who aims to present only what is necessary, and so play with  energy, size, shape and colour in my  exploration of a scene. Reduction of complex issues...
Philip Holmes

Philip Holmes

29th January - 24th february pop up gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE Auckland born Philip Holmes grew up in Manawatū, Taupō and the King Country in the 1960s. As a child he drew constantly and from an early age knew he would persue an artistic career. Holmes...
MS Art Group | ARC

MS Art Group | ARC

MS Art Group 29th january - 24th february entrance gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE The MS Art Group is a group of artists who meet weekly in a supportive environment, we are linked by Multiple Sclerosis. As a group, we have been meeting for 16 years. We have...
Micheline Robinson | DiSjOinTed

Micheline Robinson | DiSjOinTed

Micheline Robinson 10th december - 27th january main gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE In an era where the distinction between AI-generated content and reality is increasingly blurred and we are left pondering what is real, “Disjointed” offers a playful visceral...
Trina Heke | Ae Marika!

Trina Heke | Ae Marika!

Trina Heke. ft. Pania Molloy and Citizen Leather 10th december - 27th january pop up and display cabinet – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE My collection of contemporary woven kete is a deeply personal exploration of connection—both to the natural world and to the rich...
Creative Journeys | 20 Twenty Four

Creative Journeys | 20 Twenty Four

Creative Journeys 10th december - 27th january entrance gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE Creative Journeys is a Social Arts & Performance Hub where people with Intellectual and Physical disabilities develop, explore their creative talents. At Creative...