Nicola Gregory
I create because I have to… I look around and I see colour, light and shadow. I see a thrush bobbing about and suddenly I’m looking at a painting. I go to op shops and I pull things apart with my eyes and recreate them in my mind, I can’t help it. Art exposes you in every way possible. This is why I like it and equally why I don’t! This push-pull relationship has taken me through dark times and light, confrontation and avoidance, stagnation and growth and round again.
When you visit Coffee on Cambridge, the platform I have created, you will see the results of allowing focused creativity and flow. In my work on the walls, you will see stories told via a blend of paint and old re-purposed ‘things’ and you’ll see the overarching example of my philosophy that creativity creates and builds connections and promotes wellbeing for individuals and community.
Paint and Mixed Media