Jenny Gatehouse

1st - 30th march

entrance gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE

I was trained as an animator but found my calling in art, in illustration and storytelling, both visual and written. I work as an artist in Palmerston North, drawing, painting and printing in inks, gouache, watercolours and lino or whatever medium the piece calls for. Drawing on my Celtic blood, a wild imagination, unusual musical tastes, studies in history and ancient cultures and a life long love for all things weird and wonderful, in my art, I endeavour to tell tales, to inspire the mind to dream and always to put a little magic back into the world.

In the halls of history, the rafters still ring with the echos of the songs of the balladeers with their fiddles and tales of the ancient storyteller. Their whispering words could take you back to the deeper depths of a hidden past where the moon shines brightly and the shadows form shapes in the mists of the mind. The world of today is overrun by direction and forward focus, thrusting like a knife. Fraught with stress and anxiety, we forget to just stop occasionally and see the world for what it is: beautiful. The world is alight with imagination and mystery. Hidden magic can be found if only you take the time to look. So take a moment for yourself, take a breath and a seat by my fireside and listen while I tell you a tale . . .

