Alice Hood
I hate waste so my sculpture is a way of using recycled farm equipment as the basis for my garden art. As an elderly sculptor, I don’t have the strength to reshape most of my materials so must create something from the shape I find them. As a farmer. I have collected interesting bits and pieces all my life and now give new life to objects people regard on the whole, as junk. I am a passionate gardener so I enjoy creating pieces that I can install in my garden or on the farm trails we are building around the wetlands on our farm.
I use old farm equipment, discarded metal from the scrap metal bins of Agriculture companies and increasingly “given” items from farmers who have heard what I do. I use worn mower blades to make birds and small dogs and cats. Use washers, nuts and bolts and any bent or misshapen pieces of metal to make chairs and figures. My peacocks and bitterns are popular. I am in the process of creating larger works to install around the farm.